Hi, I’m Lindsey Bourne & I’m so glad you found me!
I’m a trauma-informed coach on a mission to support folks navigate the deep waters of relationships.
I’m endlessly fascinated by human psychology and the unconscious mind—especially how the latter informs our romantic relationships. I’ve dedicated my career to helping folks bring awareness to their relational patterns, disrupt old narratives and limiting self beliefs, and increase their self worth in order to step into emotional sovereignty.
My work stirs up emotional truths, encouraging clients to recognize where they are stuck in order to confront their fears, insecurities, and unconscious wounds—especially in relationships. I help people recognize where they are holding themselves back and guide them toward emotional liberation and self-trust.
What makes me truly unique as a relationship coach is my Master’s Degree in Integral Counseling Psychology and my training in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT).
I believe that all good coaching includes an element of therapy, and all good therapy includes an element of coaching. My ability to straddle both practices allows me to meet clients exactly where they are and determine the most effective way to support their transformation without the limitations of just being a therapist or just being a coach.
In addition to my work here, I facilitate narrative therapy groups at San Quentin for incarcerated veterans who have PTSD, I play clawhammer banjo, and I also have a functional home design business. I’m based in Oakland, CA and offer my services virtually.
Trainings & Background
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), M.A. in Integral Counseling Psychology, Graduate Student
MFT Trainee at the Pierce Street Integral Counseling Center in San Francisco
Intimacy From the Inside Out (IFIO) couples training with the IFS Institute
Reiki Level 1 Certification
10 years working in social/racial justice arts nonprofits in HR, finance, & operations